
RIA, Flash & Web-Services

This morning I was getting mad working with a colleague on the deployment of a RIA (Rich Internet Application) application developed targeting Adobe Flash 10

The application calls some web-services to get data from back-end system (data for tracking and telemetry of locomotives but this is irrilevant).

  • When the application runs from Flash Player it works fine;
  • When the application runs from the ActiveX hosted by IE nothing happened (meaning that we hadn’t crash, just it didn’t do anything…)

Using Fiddler we found that when a flash file is hosted by IE it asks for a crossdomain.xml resource.

Googling and looking to Adobe documentation we discovered that a crossdomain.xml must be deployed (saved) on the root of the web-server providing the web-services (that invoked back-end) and it contains the default policies allowing incoming Flash clients to call the hosted service.

Our crossdomain.xml is:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <site-control permitted-cross-domain-policies="master-only"/>
    <allow-access-from domain="*"/>
    <allow-http-request-headers-from domain="*" headers="SOAPAction"/>


Don’t forget the last line to allow a SOAP (web-service) interaction.

It allows any incoming request from external Flash clients.

I admit that I’m totally incompetent on Flash and RIA techniques so I’ve lost a couple of hours on that!


[Italian Speaking]Evento Sharepoint + Avepoint @ Roma il 07.05.2009

Volevo segnalare il seguente evento dedicato all'infrastruttura ed alle pratiche operative su Sharepoint:


L'evento è organizzato da Stefan Demetz un eccellente professionista oltre che un amico e quindi sarà sicuramente sinonimo di qualità.

AvePoint ha delle eccellenti soluzioni per il backup/restore di Sharepoint che operano su base selettiva consentendo quindi di partizionare i contenuti da salvare in maniera semplice ed efficace.


ALM Day & DDG Group - Follow-up

Just a quick note about the last speeches.

  • Microsoft ALM Day (Milan and Rome), here are the pdf and xps of the italian presentation;
  • Developers Group (London), here are the pps of the englishalian presentation;

I'd also wanna thanks the italian Microsoft Team for the perfect event organization (Francesca, Lorenzo, Paola, Pasquale) and Joanna, Jason and Pete from DDG for hosting me again.

Today the point of no return has been passed (sigh), unfortunately (for me) I've been charged also with a biz-development role in UK...

Just to begin, let me know if someone needs support or mentoring on BizTalk, Sharepoint and TFS, me or someone from my team will be delighted to work with you smiling, at the best of out capabilities and ...uhm ah!  yes providing great value and effectiveness to your solution (...I don't wanna be a sales person sigh)


ALM Day & DDG Group

It's a lot a time from my last note and I was very busy in a lot of different tasks for my company.

I prefer using my blog to write something about the technologies I'm using but I stll writing somethink about the incoming speeches...

This week I'll be in these italian events at Milan (11.03) and Rome (12.03): http://www.microsoft.com/italy/alm/eventi/almday.mspx

To be honest, I'm a little bit proud of sharing the same event with Ivar Jacobson...

The week after the next, I'll speak The Developers Group in Microsoft Cardinal Place (London UK) again on Team Foundation Server and how we use it in TIQ-Industrial. For more information on this take a look to http://www.richplum.co.uk/