
P/Invoke Interop Assistant

The integration of old legacy code based on C, C++ and API invocation sometimes requires a lot of time in the migration of API invocation to .Net managed environment.

This tool help you in doing this operation:


We can say that it works for API Interop like TlbImp works COM.

It's amazing when you need to integrates 3rd party DLLs with a standar C-based interface.


U2U CAML Builder

CAML is one of the most tricky features for Sharepoint. Having a good knowledge of it is important for doing the things in an easy way but the learning curve is quite a long way.

The best way to explain the CAML role to Sharepoint is a similitude: "CAML is for Sharepoint lists what SQL is for relational database tables"

You can leverage the CAML features in your .Net code through the Sharepoint object model, but sometimes testing your CAML query requires effort to tune-up it.

This tool from U2U is an extension (a solution) for Sharepoint which add a set of functionalities to test your CAML query. It's a cool job!


Che Lavoro di m...

My friend Diego Vicamini is a very high-talented guy with a huge-experience in the HR and recruiting area.

Just for the italians readers I'd like to invite them on his new site http://www.chelavorodim.it that is a blog with suggestions to people that want to move-on and improve their career (I'd also love so much the site name, but I guess it's better avoiding to translate it...)

Diego is also involved in the startup of www.agork.it that is a great idea of having a service-provider tailored to small and medium size companies for corporate blogging, wikis and knowledge-sharing. The business model is based on subscriptions and advertising.

I was very impressed from the idea also if we choosed for a custom in-house solution built on Sharepoint 3.0 (...well we're an ICT company)

The Developers Group London - 16.07.2008

The last wednesday I've spoken @ The Developers Group in Microsoft Cardinal Place (London UK).

It has been my second session with them (the first-one was on 14th May still in Microsoft Victoria).

During the may session, I've talked about:

Introduction to Sharepoint Services and MOSS

  • Overview of WSS v3 and MOSS 2007 features and functionality
  • Navigation and taxonomy
  • Access control and security
  • Site columns
  • Content types
  • Lists and Views

During the this week session, the content was:

    Sharepoint Services as a Developer Platform: How to Develop & Deploy Web Parts

  • Visual Studio Extensions for SharePoint 1.2
  • Web Part Development
  • How to Deploy Code and Resources
  • Site Properties

This time I was in trouble with my virtual-machine performances (it's not so easy a development live session with a 15 GB VMs running on a Laptop...) and also with my strong italian accent (ok Joanna I confident that I'll be able to learn to cut the words! :-D )

I like enjoy these meetings, the partecipants are great and sessions very interesting (...not the mine).

For the upcoming sessions take a look at http://www.richplum.co.uk/


Resizing VHD and next, next, next

I've just created my new wonderful and delicious virtual machine (over VPC 2007) clicking on next, next, next :-D

I installed Win2008, MOSS, SQL 2005 and everything was running fast and fine while I tryed to install VS 2008 and realized that next, next, next wasn't a good idea (always think to what you're doing!). 16 GB weren't enough...

Instead of adding another virtual disk having 2 differents VHDs, I found this great tool:


It can resize a VHD and it works fine!

Obviously after that the VHD has been increased don't forget to extend also the NTFS volume (using the Disk Manager) to leverage the new vhd size!


Windows Server 2008 - POP Server

It has been removed from Windows Server 2008...

I don't wanna know what people which leveraged this feature for their own applications will do...

For me and for POC (Proof Of Concept) development this could be enough:


So that you can avoid having Exchange on your systems.