
AIM (Italian Metallurgy Conference) Ferrara 24th-26th September

Just for the italian readers, on friday 26th of the next I'll speak @AIM of Ferrara (http://www.metallurgia-italiana.net/index.php?action=dettaglio_evento&id=18&evid=149).

I'll be engaged in 2 different speeches:

Sunsetting: l’approccio metodologico di TiQ per il revamping dei sistemi di controllo processo di Livello2

Sunsetting is our methodology framework for the migration of legacy process control application to Microsoft .Net leveraging our platform TiQ Steel Platform.

Tracking: localizzazione satellitare veicoli, gestione della logistica di stabilimento

In this session I'll explain a Success Story with Microsoft Italy (http://www.microsoft.com/italy/casi/caso.aspx?uid=586366c2-fdd5-4e2f-900e-7e65cfc757c9) about an integrated system for railways tracking leveraging standard tecnology (GPS, GPRS, DGPS, BizTalk, Flash, ....).

Not the most difficult project in which I was involved but the one with most widely range of technology adopted.

And in the final speech (I think I should jump between the rooms like in Robin Williams dinner in Mrs Doubtfire) with my colleague Luca Erba:

Data-WareHouse: la gestione dei dati di produzione per analizzare la qualità dei prodotti

Here we'll explain how to leverage SQL Server Analysis Service and Sharepoint to define prediction model for quality analysis of steel coils

If anyone will be closer to Ferrara on thursday evening I'll be happy having a dinner together.

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